EPMP utilizes a variety of direct marketing techniques to deliver the right message to the right audience on budget! As a solitary approach or integrated into a multi-channel marketing campaign, direct mail gives your marketing message a dynamic appeal to your message. In an age that demands balance to the fragmented world of marketing, it’s direct mail that tends to be the essential component in converting desire and intention into action. Whether you are a big brand name or non-profit organizations, data has demonstrated that consumers are attracted to a quality direct mail piece. Delivering a personalized mailer to the door-step of your customers brings out nostalgia, trustworthiness in communication and privacy; we deliver the right experience to the right audience to get you results.
EPMP offers a complete turn-key solution for direct marketing with design, print and addressing of our custom market mail or an Every Door Direct Mailer in one location. Instantly target the demographic and get a prosperous response. Direct mailers are personal, flexible, tangible and above all easy and cost-effective; ask us how to get started today.

1144 Vista de Oro El Paso, Texas
P. 915-591-8789
F. 915-591-8717
Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed